5725 Fords Rd., Acworth, GA 30101
Corner of Mars Hill and Fords Rd
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 801076, Acworth, GA 30101
Phone: 770-590-9040
Join us after worship service in the parish hall for our Lenten Study on "What is God Calling or Challenging You to Do in 2025"
Sunday, March 9
Sunday, March 16
Sunday, March 23
Sunday, March 30
Lent is the time we spend preparing for Jesus’s death and
resurrection. It is a time to reflect on what God is asking
each of us to do, just as Jesus spent 40 days in the desert
wilderness searching for His challenges and His calling.
This year for Lent, instead of giving up something, take on
something new. This can be a new practice or positive habit
as part of your challenge or your calling.
Grab a cup of coffee, pick a table, and let’s walk and talk
together about our challenges and God’s call.
High schoolers and middle schoolers are included in the Lenten Study. Separate Lenten Lessons/Activities will be available for children Pre-K through 5th Grade. Nursery will be available for children 4 and under.
We are passionate about providing a safe environment that guides our youth down a Christ-filled path.
Our youth participate in many fun-filled activities, worship, retreats, charity and volunteer work.
Meetings will be held every Sunday at:
11:00 – 12:00 PM – Elementary School
4:30 – 5:30 PM – Middle School &
High School
St. Teresa’s Episcopal Church
5725 Fords Rd, Acworth, GA 30101
For More Information, please contact youthdirector@stteresasacworth.com
St. Teresa of Avila
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Thank you for your generous gift.
5725 Fords Road, Acworth, Georgia 30101, United States
Sunday, March 9
Sunday, March 16
Sunday, March 23
Sunday, March 30
Join us after our worship service in the parish hall for our Lenten Study on
"What is God Calling or Challenging You to Do in 2025"