Welcome to St. Teresa's! Our membership and leadership is comprised of the young and the old, the old-timer and the newcomer, married, partnered and single, gay and straight, rich and poor, Georgia natives and those now southern by adoption and God's grace. We represent the wonderful diversity that makes the Atlanta Metro Area what it is, and we seek to do that in faithfulness to the baptismal command to respect the dignity of every human being. We strive to include a place for everyone around God's table and believe there should be no outcasts in the Episcopal Church.
From our beginnings in 1994 when then Bishop Frank Allan issued a call for a missioner to establish an Episcopal parish in West Cobb, to 2002 when construction was completed on our building, to 2017 when we called our third rector, St. Teresa's is focused on building bridges into the community and beyond, as we deepen our faith in God.
The Episcopal church stands in unity with nearly every Christian tradition on the basics of our shared faith: "Christ has died. Christ is risen. Christ will come again." The Apostles Creed and Nicene Creed contain a summary of our faith. We use a Book of Common Prayer for our worship, which you can find in our pews or access online at:
The Episcopal Church is unique in that it retains the ancient traditions of Christianity while embracing modern theology and contemporary understandings of the human person. The Episcopal Church today is part of the worldwide Anglican Communion, a diverse association of churches that makeup the largest protestant denomination in the world.
Many at St. Teresa's will say that this sacred ground, which was once farmland, is a Thin Place. There is a palpable feel to the grounds and the church building itself that elevates it from the ordinary to a place where one can have a glimpse of the glory of God. By architectural standards, the church is not particularly beautiful. Rather it is a space that for practical reasons has been reshaped into a meeting place for God and His people. To call such a building a Thin Space may seem unusual, however, perhaps this is what God's purpose for this church has been all along: a spiritual home, or a stopover for those whose journey brings them here. It has become a place to grow and be refreshed, a place to put down roots, or maybe a place to begin a journey. Over the years this Thin Place has launched the ministries of many who have given of themselves to lay ministries of service, generosity and love.
So, come and see and feel and be for a while with us, while we welcome you home.
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